Retirement Answer Man
Hosted by Roger Whitney, CFP®, CIMA®
The Retirement Answer Man Show was born from years of experience, a deep need to help people, and creative restlessness. Every episode takes difficult (or boring) financial conversations, concepts, and strategies and makes them more approachable. And occasionally more humorous.
Featured Episodes
Selecting the Right Retirement Withdrawal Strategy
Choosing the right withdrawal strategy is a key part of rocking retirement. In this episode, learn how to identify the strategy that fits your individual needs.
How To Plan Your Agile Retirement
Understand how an agile plan will help you retire with confidence and manage life's uncertainties.
The 8 Pillars Of Rocking Retirement
Start here to build your foundational understanding of how to create a rocking retirement, one that balances living a great life today with planning for the needs of tomorrow.
Roger Whitney, CFP®, CIMA®
I’m Roger Whitney, the not-so-alter-ego of the Retirement Answer Man. As a Certified Financial Planner for more than 25 years, I’m using my credentials (CFP®, CIMA®, CPWA®, and more) and every channel possible to help people live well today without sacrificing tomorrow.